Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dreamy Vacation? Not Sure Yet . . .

You know how sometimes you have a miserable time somewhere but then some time passes and you see photos and you think, 'That wasn't so bad. . . ' ?

Well, that's starting to happen with our road trip to Louisiana.

Months ago, my mom gave me The Happiness Project and I Loved It, especially the chapter on kids.  
And yet, this trip was an example of me completely forgetting everything I read and going into stress-ball-survivor-mode.

I had worried about the drive there but the car ride turned out to the easiest part of the trip and it was Not easy.

It's been a month and now when I look at this photos I think, 'Look how happy everyone looks!' and mostly, 'I need to lighten up.'

Remember how on the way over we stopped at McDonalds for an hour with my parents and the kids had fun eating and climbing all over Poppy?

Then we arrived at my perfect In-Laws bucolic home in West Monroe  and we played badminton and volleyball and ate  ice cream. . . That should be heaven, right?

(And why I thought I could pull off an all-white dress on a trip with the kids is ridiculous - and not just because Lil' Dude had an accident on my lap.)

My In-Laws street is the prettiest road in all of WM, LA.  Why wasn't I awed by that beauty and just insanely happy?
(Look at this these two Californian grandpa's and BFFs.)

The kids loved seeing the Bayou (which looks so different from the first time we visited) and so did my parents.  

We even created a 100 foot long Slip'N'Slide.  100 feet!  If that didn't make me love the trip than I don't know what would.  

And there were so many lovely moments like CC catching fireflies and the girls building towers of blocks and a freaking pinata!  A PINATA!  That's all I usually want to do in life - parties with pinatas!

And on our last night we even launched a paper lantern!  Someone needs to seriously punch me - why was I so miserable?

Maybe this is why:
Vacations with 4 little ones isn't a vacation for the parent.

Being a Step-parent is the hardest thing I've ever done. 

Constantly being 'On' and trying to keep an eye out for 4 little ones, making sure they're safe, fed, not hurting another kid or themselves is the most tiring and unrewarding thing I've ever done.  

And having someone pooh in your lap doesn't help either.

Lesson Learned:  When you're miserable take lots of photos, it'll help you forget how you actually felt and trick you into thinking it was a relaxing, grand ol' time.

But you know what?  

I wouldn't change a thing.

These little ones just make my heart melt.

1 comment:

  1. Bucolic? I had to look up what that word meant!
    Well done you. I'm currently looking at vacations where they provide childcare for part of the day. Sorry, not for you. For me.
