Thursday, August 11, 2011

What I Wore . . .

To volunteer to teach the little ones in Sunday School:
My precious peineta
and my favorite Vivienne Tam dress (I considered buying this dress again when I saw it on eBay, that's how much I love it).

Ever since my grandmother told me that she would wear a peineta (and mantilla) to church when she was younger I decided I would do the same.
(this isn't a picture of her, by the way)

I wanted to look properly Spanish (like mi abuelita)

or like Helena Christensen (I am of Latin and Danish decent like her, you know).
But alas, instead the only reaction I got was a female employee at Century 21 laughingly asking if I knew what was on my head.
Of course -- why else was I ducking when I walked down the stairs into the subway.

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